Support For Distressed Onfield and Aged Missionaries

Some of the most challenging and stressful issues that confronts the missionary enterprise in Ghana and Africa as a whole are the issues of healthcare and retirement plans for missionaries. Healthcare and retirement plans for the African missionary are issues that have received little attention in the missionary enterprise. Health delivery services are luxuries in most parts of the continent especially in the rural areas where missionaries are located. Most missionaries and their families hardly ever go for routine medical check-ups, mostly because they cannot afford and organizational structure are not in place to support such services. They are only forced to go for such services only when they are ill and the situation becomes an emergency. Even when it happens this way affordability becomes a challenge and mostly the missionaries and their organizations have to resort to “fire brigade” appeals to take care of the situation. Often times help comes in too late and precious souls are lost.
This does not only apply to on-field missionaries and their families but also gallant missionaries who had served the kingdom faithfully throughout their whole working life. However, because of sometimes unpolished zeal and the negligence of their Christian employers were not able to have a roof of their own over their heads and enough accumulated financial resources to live on and to take care of their families health needs. To this category when an emergency health situation arises deaths are the common trend.

In order to help alleviate this traumatic situation that usually stares in the eyes of the missionaries on the field and the aged and retired missionaries we call on Christian philanthropists and organizations to contribute to this fund to help support our frontline workers, their families and those gallant men and women who had had served faithfully as front- liners.
No amount is too small. Let’s join hands too sustain a vibrant indigenous mission’s work in Ghana and Africa as a whole.
Foreign Missionaries in cross Cultural missions working among indigenous peoples group in Africa under stressed and uncertainty. Prayer becomes their source of strength and hope in the world of uncertainty.