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Training and Capacity Building

Missions Purse Training Programs
 (The Whole Church Reaching the Whole World with the Whole Gospel)

Missions Purse through our Training and Capacity building programs has put in place two programs namely; Mobile Discipleship Training Program (MDTP) and Missions Awareness Program.

Our Mobile Discipleship Program is a free special Missions/ Bible teaching program that has been designed for church leaders, workers and ordinary Christians in towns and rural communities. The focus is to give opportunity to every member of the Christian community to be well equipped to effectively and efficiently evangelize and disciple their communities for Christ.

As a community based training program it further offers opportunities for Christians who desire biblical training but for one reason or the other are not able to enroll in Bible schools to be trained. To further make learning easier our esteemed lecturers employ the use of local languages side by side with English as the means of communication so that every Christian can receive training to work for Christ.

Our doors are widely opened for partners who are ready to offer training equipment (projectors, laptops, printers, comb-binders, stationery, generators etc.) and funds to cater for stipends and transport for our volunteer lecturers.

Missions Purse Training and Capacity Building Workshop

Missions Awareness Programs: These are campaigns we provide in urban churches that we are able to establish relationships and are ready to partner with us. Our aim here is to basically enlighten Christians on the urgent need for evangelization and the importance of investing in this cause. We also believe that the urban communities are endowed with resources, human, financial, material and spiritual which if well harnessed and deployed will speed up evangelization of the world.

As we are able to create awareness about missions and stir up the Christian community to collectively get involved in the missionary enterprise we also hope to have some signing up as missionaries to help realize the Great Commission of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Eph.4:12).

We look forward to you partnering with us in this good work today.